Saturday 27 November 2010


There once was a juggler name Ollie
Who was daring and ever so jolly
His career was cut short
By his olio tort
Throwing knives in the mix was sheer folly

Friday 26 November 2010


There once was an eejit named Cowen
Who to bankers kept scrapin' and bowin'
But his bailout bonanza
Holds no sway in this stanza
The ship's sinking; we just have to keep rowin'

Monday 4 October 2010


There once was a vain nympholeptic
Whose cravings were rather eclectic
Her frenzied desires
To which she aspired
Left her warn out and quite narcoleptic

Sunday 3 October 2010


There once was a fellow named Hector
Who went out with his metal detector
He fossicked around
The thing bleeped; then he found
That it just had a faulty connector

Saturday 2 October 2010


There once was a cranky old grouch
Who did nothing but and mutter and slouch
His sour mussitation
Caused such irritation
He was hated, for that I can vouch

Friday 1 October 2010


There was an agnostic called Ken
Who felt empty and noticed a yen
Transformed by satori
The twist in the story
Is that now he's converted to Zen

Thursday 30 September 2010


There once was a blood-sucking Count
Whose anemia he tried to surmount
For the lucifugous fella
Was pasty and yella
But his blood-sucking to nought did amount